
Here you can gain an insight into the diversity of the dissertations completed at the OPSY-HSG.


  • Isabelle Wyder: How frictions shape organizational change - An ethnographic perspective on an Agile implementation in a bank (Ref. Prof. J. Nentwich, Co-Ref. Prof. Tanja Schneider, PhD)


  • Christina Lüthy: Towards alternative ecologogies of encounter: crafting a vital materialist perspective of cultural entrepreneurship (Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD, Co-Ref. Prof. Dr. M. Müller)


  • Dominik Mösching: Coloniality in practice: Tracing power struggles in marginal entrepreneurship (Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD, Co-Ref. Prof. Dr. M. Müller)
  • Carolina Borra: Hybridität und Homogenität: wissenschaftliche Karrieren zwischen einer hybriden universitären Organisation und einem homogenen Bild des idealen Nachwuchswissenschaftlers (Ref. Prof. Dr. Julia Nentwich, Co-Ref. Prof. Dr. Kuno Schedler)
  • Katharina Molterer: Fürsorge(n) im Alten- und Pflegeheim - organisationale Ambivalenzen: ein praxistheoretischer Beitrag zur Fürsorgeethik (Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD, Co-Ref. Prof. Dr. Julia Nentwich)
  • Bernhard Resch: UNBOSS! On paradox, passion, and power in decentralized work (Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD, Co-Ref. Prof. Dr. Timon Beyes)


  • Ines Hartmann: Cultural Diversity in Spitälern - Inklusion von Mitarbeitenden unterschiedlicher Herkunft (Ref. Prof. Dr. Vincent Kaufmann, Co-Ref. Prof. Dr. Julia Nentwich)
  • Verena Witzig: Gemeinsam Haushalten. Arbeitsteilung und Praktiken von Mütterlichkeit und Väterlichkeit in getrennten Familien (Ref. Prof. Dr. Franz Schultheis, Co-Ref. Prof. Dr. Julia Nentwich)
  • Wiebke Tennhoff: Symbolische Väter, junge Wilde und professionelle Pädagogen. Diskursive Konstruktionen männlicher Geschlechtsidentität in Kindertageseinrichtungen (Ref. Prof. Dr. Julia Nentwich, Co-Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD)


  • Tim Lehmann: Leaky Matters: Organizing Water Infrastructure in Nairobi (Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD, Co-Ref. PhD Tanja Schneider)


  • Bruno Deckert: Die Entdeckung des Kosmos - Autoethnographie einer urbanen Intervention (Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD, Co-Ref. Prof. S. Grand)
  • David Risi: An institutional theory perspective on the implementation of corporate social responsibility within large firms: Empirical and conceptual consideration. (Ref. Prof. Th. Beschorner, Co-Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD)


  • Ursula Offenberger: Geschlecht und Gemütlichkeit. Paarentscheidungen über das beheizte Zuhause (Ref. Prof. J. Strübing, University of Tübingen, Co-Ref. Prof. J. Nentwich)
  • Claudine Gaibrois: Power at work: The discursive construction of power relations in multilingual organizations (Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD, Co-Ref. Prof. J. Nentwich)
  • Björn Müller: Oranizational creativity as taste-making - towards a pragmatics of contemporary dance theater production (Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD, Co-Ref. Prof. R. Weiskopf)


  • Patrizia Hoyer: Careers in Transition: Continuity, Complexity and Conflicting Desires in the Discursive Identity Construction of Ex-Consultants (Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD, Co-Ref. Prof. M. Janssens)


  • Kim Poldner: Un-dress! Stories of Ethical Fashion Entrepreneuring
    (Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD, Co-Ref. Prof. M. Veenswijk)
  • Florian Schulz: The Psycho-Managerial Complex at Work: A Study of the Discursive Practices of Management Coaching (Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD, Co-Ref. Prof. C. Jacobs)


  • Silke Verena Bucher: Das Konzept Episodische Strategiearbeit. Eine vergleichende Studie zu episodischen Praktiken in Krankenhäusern (Ref. J. Rüegg-Stürm, Co-Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD)


  • Christoph Michels: Räume der Partizipation - Wie man ein Kunstmuseum inszeniert
    (Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD, Co-Ref. Prof. T. Beyes)


  • Claudio Cometta: Unternehmerische Subjektivität und Arbeit (Ref. Prof. D. Thomä, Co-Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD)
  • Roland Pfyl: Formality at work - organizational discourses of formality in everyday management practices in a Swiss private bank (Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD, Co-Ref. Prof. T. Eberle)


  • Anna-Katrin Heydenreich: Organising a multi-stakeholder process - Creating a paradoxical collaborative identity (Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD, Co-Ref. Prof. R. Bouwen)
  • Susan Müller: Encouraging Future Entrepreneurs: The Effect of Entrepreneurship Course Characteristics on Entrepreneurial Intention (Ref. Prof. T. Volery, Co-Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD)
  • Ella Roininen: Doing gender / doing profession: analysis of discursive constructions of gender and professionalism by Finnish ICT engineers and primary school teachers
    (Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD, Co-Ref. Prof. U. Landfester)
  • Heiko Spitzeck: Moralische Organisationsentwicklung (Ref. Prof. P. Ulrich, Co-Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD)
  • Michael Neugarten: Noticing noticing: the role of noticing in the praxis of Competitive Intelligence
    (Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD, Co-Ref. Prof. Dr. Martin Hilb)
  • Daniel Bartl: The Nature of Strategy Capacity: Paradox, Paterns and Preconditions of Strategic Action under Uncertainty (Ref. Prof. J. Rüegg-Stürm, Co-Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD)


  • Pascal Dey: On the Name of Social Entrepreneurship, Business School Teaching, Research, and Development Aid (Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD, Co-Ref. Prof. U. Stäheli)
  • Dominik Battiste Domnik: Business unit buy-in on cost-cutting issues: Selling exposure and attention allocation from an intermediate perspective. A case from the German automobile industry
    (Ref. Prof. G. Müller-Stewens, Co-Ref.  Prof. C. Steyaert PhD)
  • Martina Keller Minh-Triet: Der Corporate Entrepreneur als Fremdkörper im Konzern - Eine Fallstudie aus der pharmazeutischen Industrie (Ref. Prof. E. Walter-Busch, Co-Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD)
  • Sabina Tacheva: Top management Team Diversity: A Multilevel Exploration of Antecedents and Consequences (Ref. Prof. W. Ruigrok, Co-Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD)


  • Renate Grau: Die Verbreitung belletristischer Titel im Literaturbetrieb - soziale Strategien und Praktiken zur Werk- und Wertschöpfung fiktionaler Bücher (Ref. Prof. M. Hilb, Co-Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD)
  • Dörte Resch: Soziales Miteinander in Organisationen. Diskurse und Funktionen zwischen individueller Kompetenz und organisationaler Metapher
    (Ref.  Prof. A. Bangerter, Co-Ref. Prof. F. Tschan, Prof. C. Steyaert PhD, Prof. A. Kluge)
  • Matthäus Urwyler: Opportunity Identification and Exloitation: A Case Study of three Swiss-Based Software Companies (Ref. Prof. G. v. Krogh, Co-Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD)
  • Anja Ostendorp: Human resource and corporate social responsibility concepts between fashionable luxury, old conflicts of interests, and new lines of flight (Ref. Prof. F. Stoll, Co-Ref. Prof. C. Steyaert PhD)

EDIS - Electronic Dissertations (HSG doctoral theses)
