Course Overview


In the assessment year, we organise the German- and English language course programme "Psychology" as part of the context studies. The approximately 12 courses each semester cover topics from social psychology, clinical, ecological and general psychology as well as occupational and organisational psychology. A competent and committed team of lecturers and assistant lecturers teaches here, some of whom have also completed their doctorates at our department.

2,720,1.00 Psychology: Mental Health and Society [Nilima Chowdhury]
2,721,1.00 Psychology: Climate Crisis and Behaviour Change [Julia Nentwich]
2,722,1.00 Psychologie: Humor am Arbeitsplatz [Fiorina Giuliani]
2,723,1.00 Psychologie: Kooperation, Partizipation und Nachhaltige Entwicklung [Anna-Katrin Heydenreich]
2,724,1.00 Psychologie: Trauma und Bewältigung [Revital Ludewig-Kedmi]
2,725,1.00 Psychologie: Führung in Krisenzeiten [Lucia Görke]
2,726,1.00 Psychology: Gender, Work and Well-Being [Nilima Chowdhury]
2,727,1.00 Psychologie: Arbeit und Organisation [Matthias Hudecek]
2,728,1.00 Psychology: Psychology of Learning and Attention [Mohammed Shafiullah]
2,729,1.00 Psychologie: Psychische Gesundheit in Organisationen [Giacomo Platano]
2,742,1.00 Psychology: Relationships at Work [Florian Schulz]
2,746,1.00 Psychologie: Coaching und Gesprächsführung [Michael Peters]
2,749,1.00 Psychology: Complexity and Information Processing in the Digital Age [Hudecek Matthias]

1,720,1.00 Psychologie: Komplexität und Informationsverarbeitung im digitalen Zeitalter [Matthias Hudecek] 
1,723,1.00 Psychologie: Psychische Gesundheit in Organisationen [Giacomo Platano] 
1,724,1.00 Psychologie: Organisation und Gesundheit [Susanne Zajitschek] 
1,725,1.00 Psychologie: Coaching und Gesprächsführung [Michael Peters] 
1,726,1.00 Psychologie: Stress und Gesundheit [Mark Laukamm] 
1,742,1.00 Psychologie: Psychologie des gelingenden Lebens [Andreas M. Krafft] 
1,746,1.00 Psychologie: Kommunikation und Konflikt [Mark Laukamm] 

1,721,1.00 Psychology: Gender, Work and Well-Being [Nilima Chowdhury] 
1,722,1.00 Psychology: Learning and Attention [Mohammed Shafiullah] 
1,727,1.00 Psychology: Mental Health and Society [Nilima Chowdhury] 
1,728,1.00 Psychology: Climate Crisis and Behaviour Change [Julia Nentwich] 
1,729,1.00 Psychology: Psychology of Change and Intervention [Florian Schulz] 


A systematic introduction to the theoretical approaches and practical applications of organisational psychology, with sub-areas such as diagnostics, problem solving, design in work and organisation, and interventions such as mentoring and organisational development. Other courses develop specific theoretical perspectives on organisations, linking organisation to space and architecture, gender and diversity, or craft work and creativity. These topics are offered as part of the contextual studies.

4,700,1.00 – Recht/Law: Psychologische Begutachtung für die Rechtspraxis – Einführung in die Rechtspsychologie [Revital Ludewig-Kedmi]
4,764,1.00 – Freier Bereich/Open Area: Cyberspace and Human Behavior [Nicola Jacobshagen]
4,784,1.00 - Skills: Was uns belastet und stresst – eine Spurensuche in Theorie, Zeitdiagnostik und uns selbst [Julia Nentwich]
4,797,1.00 – Skills: Experimental Methods in Behavioural Research [Mohammed Shafiullah]

3,640,1.00 – Kreativität/Creativity: Die andere Universität – Atmosphären der Forschung und Lehre [Christoph Michels] 
3,642,1.00 – Kreativität/Creativity: Asperitas – Soziale Prozesse des Organisierens durch ‘serious gaming’ erleben und reflektieren [Julia Nentwich, Joana Racine, Florian Schulz] 
3,789.1.00 – Skills: Communication and Inclusion in Linguistically Diverse Workplaces [Claudine Gaibrois] 
3.794,1.00 – Skills: Interpreting Statistical Data from Behavioural Research [Mohammed Shafiullah] 


The Master courses are based on contemporary research interests and thus prioritise our own current projects and research questions.

In the Master's programmes SIM, MOK, MIA and MSC we offer courses on selected topics such as organisational behaviour, group dynamics and qualitative research methods. Furthermore, we offer specialised courses in context studies, e.g. in the focus areas: Creativity, Cultures, Responsibility and Law.

8,500,1.00 – Creativity and Team Dynamics [Chris Steyaert]
8,647,1.00 – Kreativität/Creativity: Exploring Urban Atmospheres (European Haniel Program, Summer Academy 2025 [Timon Beyes and Chris Steyaert]
8,760,1.00 - Freier Bereich/Open Area: (Sozial-)Psychologie des Zukunftsdenkens – Hoffnungen und Ängste [Andreas M. Krafft]
8,794,1.00 - Skills: Dream Team – Mentoringprogramm für die nächste Generation (Teil 2) [Michael Peters und Florian Schulz]

7,512,1.00 – Organizing Culture and Change in an Art Museum [Timon Beyes und Chris Steyaert] 
7,659,1.00 – Kreativität/Creativity: Werkstatt/Workshop [Chris Steyaert] 
7,665,1.00 – Kulturen/Cultures: Psychology of Japanese Culture and Communication [Mohammed Shafiullah] 
7,702,1.00 – Recht/Law: Recht und Psychologie: Die Tätigkeit von Richtern und Rechtsanwälten aus psychologischer Sicht [Revital Ludewig-Kedmi] 
7,795,1.00 – Skills: Dream Team – Mentoringprogramm für die nächste Generation (Teil 1) [Michael Peters und Florian Schulz] 

Doctoral courses

We are particularly open to research projects that are based on an empirical design, contribute to theoretical debates in the form of conference papers and journal publications, and are anchored in current academic debates.

Interested applicants are asked to apply with a CV, a letter of motivation and a first project proposal (5-10 pages).

10,633,1.00 – Processual Organization Studies [Chris Steyaert]
10,652,1.00 - Colloquium in Management and Organization Studies [Julia Nentwich und Harald Tuckermann]

10,618,1.00 – Uses of Culture in Fractured Times [Chris Steyaert] 
10,652,1.00 – Kolloquium in Management and Organization Studies [Julia Nentwich und Harald Tuckermann]

Guestlectures          Dissertations         Lecturers
