About us

Our team

Our team consists of experienced psychologists who are happy to assist you with your concerns.


Dr. Florian Schulz, head & counsellor

  • Doctorate in organizational psychology on the topic of management coaching (HSG)
  • Psychotherapist with a focus on psychodynamic psychotherapy
  • Study of psychology (LMU-München, Germany)

Dr. Regula Dietsche, counsellor

  • Federally recognized psychotherapist
  • Systemic counselor and systemic psychotherapist (IEF Zurich, Meilen Institute Zurich)
  • Doctorate in Organization & Culture on the subject of studying with a disability or chronic illness (HSG)
  • MAS in Corporate Innovation Management (FHS St.Gallen)
  • Psychology studies in work and organizational psychology (University of Zurich)
  • Diploma in Occupational Therapy FH (School for Occupational Therapy Biel)

Dr. Katharina Molterer, counsellor

  • In further training as a systemic psychotherapist (IÖST, Zurich)
  • Doctorate in organizational psychology on the topic of relational care and humor (HSG)
  • Clinical and health psychologist (Austria)
  • Master's degree in psychology (Graz, Austria)

Andrea Moser, counsellor

  • Master's degree in psychology / develpment and personality (ZHAW)
  • Training in systemic counselling (IAP, Zurich)
  • Secondary school teacher phil. I (PH St.Gallen)

Dr. Ilka Rühl, counsellor

  • Federally recognized psychotherapist
  • Cognitive behavioral therapist and schema therapist
  • Doctorate in clinical psychology on the subject of eating disorders (Mainz, Germany)
  • Master's degree in psychology (Mainz, Germany)

Katharina Woog, counsellor

  • Systemic counsellor (DGSF; Bodenseeinstitut, Radolfzell, Germany)
  • Conducted psychological consultations and assessments aimed at professional orientation or further development on the job market (Germany)
  • Studies in psychology and social sciences (Giessen, Germany)

Working method

We support you through a solution-focused and resource-oriented counselling approach.

Our counselling services are based on considerations of systemic counseling in general and solution-focused approaches in particular. These approaches are strongly resource-oriented methods, which assume that clients carry the knowledge and the solution possibilities to cope with problems within themselves. So it is about looking for what already works and what poten-tial you bring with you.

In the process, the counselor takes responsibility for the structure in order to focus attention on resources. Such a form of counseling has already proven to be very effective in the field of education. The effectiveness of solution-focused methods has been demonstrated, especially for students, through international effectiveness studies.


The counseling formats of the psychological counselling center are based on the concepts of relationality, creativity and reflexivity, which are closely related to the chair of organizational psychology.

Consultations are about relationships in two ways. Through an appreciative dialogue, a consulting relationship is created between you and a psychological consultant. In addition, we always understand issues as embedded in a system of actors and contexts. This means that situations only become problematic when tensions arise in a certain environment of relation-ships. Thus, the focus of the counseling process is on questioning the quality and nature of existing relationships and on searching for previously unnoticed relationship possibilities.

Creative methods in the counseling process allow for a change of perspective, which enables new access to already existing resources and helps to broaden the existing scope.

Consulting is understood as a reflexive process, which means that one reflects on concerns, goals, the context, but also the consulting process itself. In this sense, reflexivity is also understood as an emancipatory process which, from a questioning attitude, examines the meaningfulness of basic assumptions and thus expands the scope of possibilities.
