
07.12.2024 published online:
Chris Steyaert and Jonas Friedrich "Emancipatory entrepreneuring as disidentification: A queer-feminist view of becoming a democratic cooperative", Human Relations, Sage Publications,

16. - 20.9.2024
8. St.Galler Diversity & Inclusion Week, Universität St.Gallen
Workshop mit Gabriele Schambach und Julia Nentwich "Das Spiel kann beginnen: Mit Gleichstellungs-Poker Widerständen begegnen".
"Chancengerechtigkeit reloaded: Ein Dialog über Fragilität, Transformation & hegemoniale Männlichkeit", mit Gabriele Schambach [online]

02. - 06.07.2024
40th EGOS Colloquium 2024, Milano, Italy
Chris Steyaert presented the paper "Ambivalent Affects of collective Resistance: The stonewall uprising at the opera".
Jonas Friedrich presented the paper "Working beyond Neoliberalism: Organizing Alternativity through an Ethics of Care" (co-author Christina Lüthy)

2nd Conference Association of European Qualitative Researchers in Psychology, Milano
Paper presentation "Becoming a male ally: Male managers navigating the paradox of change and agency",  by Julia Nentwich and Harald Tuckermann

23. - 25.05.2024
18th Organization Studies Workshop, Mykonos, Greece
Chris Steyaert presented the paper "An affective politics of multiplicity: Re-Politicizing diversity through queer theory" (co-author Maddy Janssens)

Keynote given by Chris Steyaert and Maddy Janssens, LU Leuven, in the workshop "Diversité et Inclusion" in the cluster MAESTRO at EM Strasbourg

Gastvortrag von Frank und Patrik Riklin, Altelier für Sonderaufgaben, in Chris Steyaerts Veranstaltung "Creativity & Team Dynamics"

Julia Nentwich hält einen Vortrag im Vorarlberger Kinderdorf in Bregenz in der 'Vortragsreihe Wertvolle Kinder', Titel: "Genderreflektiertes Handeln im pädagogischen Alltag". 

Chris Steyaert is opponent of Anna Elina's thesis "Unfolding identity work during an entrepreneurial journey. Autoethnographic study", at University of Turku.

Chris Steyaert presents his research on the topic "Queering entrepreneurship: A question(ing) of method?", University of Turku, School of Econoomics.

Leaders for Equality, Halbtages-Workshop mit Dr. Nilima Chowdhury an der ETH Zürich, "High performance and health: tools for well-being in science".

Gastvortrag von Sebastian Gibas in Chris Steyaerts Lehrveranstaltung "Creativity an Team Dynamics".

WiN, Women in Nuclear Schweiz, Internationaler Tag der Frau, mit Referat von Julia Nentwich: "Paradoxien der Kulturveränderung: Der lange Abschied von der männlichen Heldenfigur in der Führung"

07. - 08.03.2024
WU Gender & Diversity Conference, Wien A
Isabelle Albisser presented "Undoing whiteness in organizations by white bodies? From affective dissonance to anti-racist praxis".

Diversity Dialogveranstaltung in Basel mit Vortrag von Gabriele Schambach

Lunch & Lern: Gleichstellungsengagement im Kader beim Kanton Basel-Stadt, mit Gabriele Schambach: "Inklusives Leadership: Gleichstellungsengagement im Kader"

"Vom Managen zum Coachen", Gastbeitrag in der Handeslzeitung, Thomas Bieger und Florian Schulz. 

Seminar Series an der Universität Freiburg, mit Julia Nentwich: "Male Professors' and lecturers' commitment to gender equality at Swiss universities and ETHs"

Julia Nentwich and Chieh Hsu, "(Un)doing masculinity? Men working in women's occupation", In: Hearn J., Aavik, K., Collinson, D.L., & Thym, A. (eds.), 306-319, Routledge Handbook on Men, Masculinities and Organizations, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.

Öffentliche Vorlesung mit Julia Nentwich: Psychische Gesundheit an unserer Universität: Wo steht die HSG und was braucht es für die Zukunft?
mit Julia Nentwich und Florian Schulz.

Julia Nentwich gibt an der Universität Basel Input mit dem Titel "Zwischen Windeln & Wissenschaft: Wie Vereinbarkeit zur Führungsaufgabe wird. Aktuelle Befunde aus der Leaders for Equality-Studie an Schweizer Universitäten"
im Rahmen der 25 Jahr Jubiläumsfeier der Fachstelle Gleichstellung, Diversity & Inclusion

14. - 15.09.2023
Gender(ed) labor: SAGS Conference 2023, Université de Lausanne, CH
with presentation by Julia Nentwich, "Ambivalent alternatives: Male managers struggling with their support for gender equality".

11. - 15.09.2023
7. St.Galler Diversity & Inclusion Week, Universität St.Gallen
Online-Session mit Julia Nentwich, "Der lange Abschied von der männlichen Heldenfigur in der Führung"
Session vor Ort mit Annika Koller, Josef Kruckenberg, Gabriele Schambach, "New Work: Zwischen Gleichstellungserfolgen und Verharrungskräften".

07. - 08.9.2023
HSLU - Conference of the Gender Studies Committee of the Swiss Sociological Association and University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Luzern
Presentation of "Paradoxes of Post-heroic Leadership: Why do heroic leadership and gender inequality persist?" (authors Nentwich, Tuckermann & Steingruber).

August 2023
Julia C. Nentwich und Franziska Vogt, "Gender und Diversität in der Kindertagesstätte aus organisationsethnographischer Perspektive". In: Funder M., Gruhlich, J. & Hossain N. (Hrsg.), Diversitäts- und Organisationsforschung, Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Praxis, 433-452, Nomos.

Media Review by Julia C. Nentwich: How to use a discursive approach to study organizations; Organization Studies

06. - 08.07.2023
39th EGOS Colloquium 2023, Cagliari, Italy
Jonas Friedrich presented the paper "Entrepreneuring sideways - Practicing a queer imaginary of democratic organizational becoming" (co-author Chris Steyaert).
Presentation of "The influence of micro-practices to become Agile: Combining outcomes of an Actor-Network Theory and Scandinavian institutionalism-based analyses (Wyder & Nentwich) and
Why do heroic leadership and gender inequality persist? A paradox lens on change towards post-heroic leadership and gender equality" (Nentwich, Tuckermann, Steingruber).

28. - 30.06.2023
Gender, Work & Organization Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Chris Steyaert presented his paper "Re-enacting queer artistic activism with Felix Gonzales-Torres' inventory of shimmers"

21. - 24.06.2023
14th International PROS/PHILOS conference 2023, Chania, Griechenland
Chris Steyaert presented his paper "Queering phenomenological and hermeneutic approaches to organization studies"

07. - 09.06.2023
Workshop and Early Career Colloquium: WHERE WORK/LIFE HAPPENS: SPACES AND PLACES IN FLUX, at Aalto University School of Business, Finland
Chris Steyaert addressed his keynote speech titled "Feeling out of place: A queer phenomenological orientation to diverse space"

Boglárka Horváth, Gastvortrag in der Veranstaltung "Psychology: Gender, Work and Well-Being".

Frank und Patrik Riklin, Atelier für Sonderaufgaben, Gastvortrag in der Veranstaltung "Organizational Behaviour & Change"

Sebastian Gibas, Gastvortrag in der Veranstaltung "Creativity and Team Dynamics"

Gastvortrag von Mark Kyburz, HSG Writing Lab, in der Veranstaltung "Qualitative Research: Design, Method and Analysis"

Öffentliche Vorlesung mit Julia Nentwich: Hinter den Kulissen von Forschung und Lehre
"Der Berufung folgen" oder doch eher Teilnahme am "Rat Race"? Aktuelle Dilemmata akademischer Karrieren

Gastvorträge von Eveline Frischknecht, E. Frischknecht Fine Jewellery AG, Denise Hofer, OFFCUT St.Gallen GmbH, Emil Underberg, Speciality Coffee AG in der Veranstaltung "Creativity: My Favourite Thing - Craft and the Creative Economy"

Gute Wissenschaftskultur als Grundlage für Exzellenz, Universität Bern
Impulsreferat zu Exzellenz und Chancenlgeichheit und Podiumsgespräch mit Julia Nentwich

Tag der Lehre im SQUARE: Where Learning Meets Teaching
"Creativity and Learning": Anne Rickelt berichtete über Lernerfahrung ausserhalb gewohnter Unterrichtsettings.

19. - 21.05.2022
16th Organization Studies Workshop, Chania, Greece
"Dialogic organizing: Affirming public engagement for hope and solidarity" Co-Organizer Chris Steyaert
Florian Schulz presented "Exploring relational organizing in a societal enterprise through ego-network maps" (co-author Maximilian Schellmann)
Jonas Friedrich presented "Democratic Practices of Dissent and Alterity in Alternative Organizing - towards an Affective Realm"
Christina Lüthy presented "Museums and the Materialization of Dialogic Spaces: Affective, Discursive and Social Symbolic" (co-author Nada Endrissat)

April 2022
Workshop-Angebote der Psychologischen Beratungsstelle
- Selbstführung
- Lernphase gut meistern
- endlich beginnen!

"Check your Health!" - in Zusammenarbeit mit Medizinstudierenden und der Psych. Beratungsstelle
Skin Type / Oxygen / Blood pressure / Life Balance

Bernhard Resch and Chris Steyaert nominated as one of the two runner ups
1st R.Edward Freeman Journal of Business Ethics Philosphy in Practice Best Paper Award for the paper:
"Peer Collaboration as a Relational Practice: Theorizising Affective Osciliation in Radical Democratic Organizing" (Open Access)

Science and Career Talks an der Universität Tübingen. Vortrag von Julia Nentwich, "Zwischen Kritik, Wiederstand und einfach nur "mehr desselben":Wie männlische Führungskräfte über Gleichstellung sprechen".


35th RENT Conference, Turku, Finland
Christina Lüthy presented the paper "Towards inclusive communities in cultural entrepreneurship: creating affective flows of belonging" (co-authored with Chris Steyaert) 

Organizing museums in digital cultures
mit Chris Steyaert und Timon Beyes: European Haniel Program Winter Academy in CH-Bern

HSG Gesundheitstage: Ein Angebot der Psychologischen Beratungsstelle zusammen mit dem Unisport

Erschienen: (Un)doing Gender empirisch. Qualitätive Forschung in der Kita
Open Access Springer VS, Herausgeberinnen: Julia Nentwich und Franziska Vogt.

5. St.Galler Diversity & Inclusion Week

81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia US
Jonas Friedrich presented the paper "Does Smart equal Sustainable? Coupling, Decoupling, and the Sustainability Performance in Cities" (co-authored with Maximilian Palmié and Oliver Gassmann)

08.-10.07.2021, virtuell
37th EGOS colloquium, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Julia Nentwich presented the paper "Ambivalent alternatives: Male managers struggling with gender equality"and was co-organizer of sub-theme 41: Men, Leadership, and Inclusivity: Men Resisting and Supporting Gender Equality in Organizations"

Christina Lüthy presented the paper "Inclusion as an affective shere: Place-making processes in the cultural and creative industries" (co-authored with Chris Steyaert)

Anne Rickelt presented the paper "The FUN way of entrepreneurial learing: staging heroic stories of entrepreneurial failure"

Chris Steyaert presented the paper "Affects of diverse encounters and understanding their atmospheric attunements" (co-authored with Maddy Janssens)

Erschienen in Gender, Work & Organization: Male privilege revisited: How men in female dominated occupations notice and actively reframe privilege,  von Karin Schwiter, Julia Nentwich und Marisol Keller

Gender, Work and Organization: 11th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference, University of Kent UK
Julia Nentwich was Co-organizer of stream 14 "Beyond the Gender Binary: Empirical Research and Conceptual Dvelopment in Times of Transformation" and presented the paper "Male managers struggling with hegemonic masculinity: Doing masculinity differently in affective-discursive practices"

Nilima Cowdhury presented the paper "Investigating the undoing of gender: Introducing three methodological tools"

Tag der Lehre, mit Filmbeitrag von Chris Steyaert und Anne Rickelt
"Learning through Reading"

Hochschuldidaktik UZH, Lehrveranstaltungsformat der Zukunft: Teaching Inspiration Hour" (online)
In the "Teaching Inspiration Hour", Chris Steyaert addressed "Creativity and experimentation in higher education".
Sharing some of his 'creative classroom' experiences, he reflected upon their possibilites for cultivating an inventive pedagogy within a (more) experimental university.

Cities & Creativity: Mapping Entrepreneurial Neighbourhoods
with Chris Steyaert and Timon Beyes: European Summer Academy, Berlin, Copenhagen, Paris, Venice and Zurich
enabled by the German Haniel Foundation

Vorlesungsreihe Care Ökonomie
Podium: Gender, Care und Ökonomie - Auf dem Weg zu einem neuen Wirtschaftsverständis?
Moderation: Julia Nentwich

15.3. / 24.03. / 21.04.2021
Gastvorträge von Tabea Gregory, D-Witten, Dyadic Improv.
"Getting to know the method"
"Playfulness in the body"
"Use your imagination"
in Chris Steyaert's Veranstaltung "Creativity and Team Dynamics"

Frank und Patrik Riklin, St.Gallen, Atelier für Sonderaufgaben
Gastvortrag mit dem Titel: "Creativity & Entrepreneurship - from small experiments, adventures and key moments in work",
in Chris Steyaert's Veranstaltung "Creativity and Team Dynamics" 

Round Table - Webinar, organised by the ASC/SKO/SwissLeaders Association
under the patronage of the Government of Québec, a virtual bridge between two countries that are geographically distant but very close in terms of their economic landscape
"Leaders for Equality: How can male managers promote equality in the workplace?"
Nilima Cowdhury presentated results of the study of "Leaders4Equality": LinkedIn

Dr. Robert Rapaport, Leuphana University Lüneburg
Gastvortrag mit dem Titel: Visueller Film als Methode: Repräsentation von Wissen, in der Veranstaltung "Forschen und
Filmen - Qualitative Forschungsdesigns vor der Kamera", mit Julia Nentwich und Tanja Schneider

SFDN Conference 2021, University of St.Gallen (Swiss Faculty Defelopment Netwerk)
Chris Steyaert held the opening speech at the SFDN Conference with the title "Creativity and experimentation in higher education"

Erschienen: In Canadian Journal of Adminstrative Sciences, von Claudine Gaibrois und Julia Nentwich "The dynamics of privilege: How employees of a multinational corporation construct and contest the privileging effects of English proficiency"





Jahresübersichten: Publikationen, Veranstaltungen, Abschlussarbeiten
