Wissenschaftliche Publikationen - eine Auswahl


Chris Steyaert, “If a (queer) revolt is to come”: Toward a sensuous pedagogy for dis/orienting management learning. Management Learning, 2022, 53(4): 734–747.

Chris Steyaert, “Queering Salzburg, perhaps?” Management, 2022, 25(4): 80–88.

2021 Timon Beyes and Chris Steyaert, “Unsettling bodies of knowledge: Walking as a pedagogy of affect”, Management Learning, 2021, 52, 224-242.

Jonas Friedrich, Maximilian Palmié and Oliver Gassmann, “Does Smart equal Sustainable? Selective Coupling and Sustainability Performance in 251 Smart City Initiatives understood as Hybrid Organizations”, Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021.

Bernhard Resch, Patrizia Hoyer and Chris Steyaert, “Affective control in new collaborative work: Communal fantasies of purpose, growth and belonging”, Organization Studies, 2021, 42(5), 787-809.

Maximilian Palmié, Jonas Böhm, Jonas Friedrich, Vinit Parida, Jakim Wincent, Jonas Kahlert, Oliver Gassmann and David Sjödin, “Startups versus incumbents in ‘green’ industry transformations: A comparative study of business model archetypes in the electrical power sector”, Industrial Marketing Management, 2021, 96, 35-49.

Karin Schwiter, Julia Nentwich und Marisol Keller, “Male privilege revisited: How men in female-dominated occupations notice and actively reframe privilege”, Gender, Work and Organization, 2021, 28(6) 2199-2215.

Julia Nentwich, Miriam K Baumgärtner and Nilima Laura Chowdhury and Verena Witzig, “Gender bias in recruiting: Developing a social practice perspective”, Women, Gender and Research, 2021, Kvinder, Kon & Forskning, (3)11-24.
2020 Nilima Chowdhury, “Practicing the ideal depressed self: Young professional women’s accounts of managing depression”, Qualitative Health Research, 2020, 30(9), 1349-1361.

Claudine Gaibrois and Julia. Nentwich, “The dynamics of privilege: How employees of multinational corporation construct and contest the privileging effects of English proficiency”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 2020, 37(4), 468-482.

Julia Nentwich und Christine Binswanger, „Schwerpunktheft: Von ‚Diversity Management‘ zu ‚Diversity und Inclusion‘?“, Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und –management, 2020, 2, 111-112.

Gaby Schambach, „Gleichstellung braucht ‚Inclusion‘: Wie Unternehmen im Organisationsentwicklungsprozess begleitet werden können“, Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und –management, 2020, 2, 188-193.

Bernhard Resch, Patrizia Hoyer and Chris Steyaert, „Affective control in new collaborative work: Communal fantasies of purpose, growth and belonging”, Organization Studies, online 23.06.2020.

Bernhard Resch and Chris Steyaert, “Peer collaboration as a relational practice: Theorizing affective oscillation in radical democratic organizing”, Journal of Business Ethics, 2020, 164, 715-730.

Chrysavgi Sklaveniti and Chris Steyaert, “Reflecting with Pierre Bourdieu: Towards a reflexive outlook for practice-based studies of entrepreneurship”, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 2020, 32(3-4): Entrepreneurship as Practice, 313-333.

Maddy Janssens and Chris Steyaert, “The accomplishment of inclusion in intergenerational dance”, Journal of Management Studies, 2020, 57(6), 1143-1173.